Tuesday, May 16, 2017

How To Recover Deleted Files From The Hard Disk

Sometimes we mistakenly click on the delete button of some important files or reports. It has happened with almost everybody. But there is always a chance to recover deleted files. This means the files deleted is never lost forever, they are still stored in the hard drive or the flash drive and it is possible to recover all those deleted files. The deleted files can only be recovered when the data recovery process is done quickly. This is because every time a new data is written to the hard drive, the chance gets lowers of a successful recovery of the file lost.

To recover the deleted files, the best thing is to do it quickly. It should not be left until after a week of heavy computer use. This is because the files are still accessible after deletion. It means that the data is still there, even though the space has been the marked as “free” by Windows. The chances of recovery decrease if Windows overwrites the data, which can happen after a heavy computer use or there is little free space the hard drive.

Sometimes installing the data recovery software on the hard drive where the deleted data was stored also provides a possibility of overwriting it. So, to avoid this problem the software should be installed to a separate disk.

Tips To Recover Deleted Files:

1. Recovering The Deleted File From The Recycle Bin-

Windows generally stores all the deleted data in the recycle bin as a safety measure. So there is chance for getting the data recovered until and unless the recycle bin has not been cleaned. Choose the deleted file and right click on it. Click “restore” option and the file is restored to its original place.

2. Recovering The Deleted Files From The Back-Ups-

If you regularly back-up your hard drive or the libraries at least, then there is probably a chance of the deleted files to be stored there. It is an easy way of data recovery. If you don’t back-up your files then get into the habit of doing so. Choose a reliable back-up program and this could definitely help next time if a data loss happens again.

3. Recovering The Deleted Files Using A Data Recovery Software-

When the deleted files could not be recovered from recycle bin and back-up then a data recovery software can help. Some popular data recovery softwares are Recuva Portable and EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional. These are helpful in such situations and easily recover deleted files. It not only recovers deleted files but also in many data loss situations like virus attack, system crash, raw hard drive, format recovery and many more. Recuva Portable is portable software; it means it doesn’t needs to be installed which prevent further writing on the hard drive.

4. Hiring a Professional-

Hiring a professional is the last option of recovering the deleted files. Many data recovery services are available. Since your hard drive is working you don’t need to buy the expensive ones.

How To Prevent The Problem?

Once the problem is sorted and the files have been recovered, it is important to follow some precautions so that no such problems take place in future. A system image should be created once a week when the computer is running properly to ensure that the files have been backed up elsewhere. Use the Back Up File Wizard regularly if it is a Windows operating system. Make a habit of saving important files and data onto a flash drive, a CD/DVD or a removable hard drive.

7 hacks to keep your Iphone battery last longer

Iphone one of the leading smartphone brands, it has so much to offer you but unfortunately you can use these incredible awesome features only if you have enough battery. You have to take utmost care of your battery as it is the life of your phone and if this goes off you are going to end up spending money on your mobile phone repair. And if you are using an Iphone you already know that the services are so rare that you spend a lot on Iphone repairs.

Following are the 7 hacks to keep your Iphone battery last longer

Latest software update- one must update their software of the Iphone to the latest update. As the updates by the apple have some really good battery saving technologies. So this will help you a lot to keep your battery going in the long run. Keep updating your phone with the latest updates; one can even go to the gallery if they do not know how to update their Iphone’s.

Comfort zone – make sure that your Iphone is in a comfort zone of temperature, it is advisable by the experts to not expose your phone more than 35 degrees Celsius. This can be harmful to your phone as these heats up your battery and harms it. Even while charging the phones become hot so make sure you do not keep them on charge for a longer time.

Avoid covers – Do not let your phone be in a phone cover while it is on charge especially when the phone has a metallic cover. This might also contribute to them heating faster than you thought. So avoid covers while you are putting your Iphone on charge as they are very delicate even more than your other smartphones.

Turn on Auto brightness – auto brightness is the solution for you to save your battery life and simultaneously even get a brighter screen while you are using the phone. It adjusts to the lightening conditions automatically.

Manage your apps – even when you are not using the applications there are few of them which keep running in the background, few of these apps eat a lot of your battery. So one has to turn all the unused battery eating apps when they are not required.

USB charging – many people do not know this that if you are charging your Iphone via USb make sure your computer or laptop is on charge as well. if the plug in is off then this might drain your device’s battery and affect. So take some extra care while you are charging your Iphone via USB charging and wires.

Switch to low power mode – if you are using an Iphone than try and switch to low power mode and on it as it helps you to control your brightness, your device’s performance as well as the background applications stop running on their own. This also helps you to minimize system animation and helps you to save a lot of your battery.

So these were the 7 hacks that one must know and keep an eye on to save their battery life of their Iphone or you might end up replacing your battery and Iphone repairs cost a lot as they are a foreign brand.

Costs of the Cloud – Enhancing your legal firm’s technology

Over the last few weeks, we have discussed the rapid rate at which technology for lawyers has been developing. With these rapid developments, come a slew of issues that each law firm must consider when determining what technology is right for them, such as: what is the difference between “hosted” and “cloud”; how secure is the cloud; what do the ethics committees say about technology; what is the cost; and what product truly understands the nature of our practices?

These are all critically important questions that we must ask ourselves before making any decision about which technology will best support our clients and team. To date, our Mastering the World of Legal Technology series has covered all of these topics, except what are the cost benefits of the cloud versus self-hosted systems?

What are Self-Hosted Systems?

Though you likely already know the answer to this question, let’s begin here to make sure we are all on the same page. Simply put, self-hosted systems are those systems that you have on your premises. They are the servers powering up your firm that sit right in your office space (usually a closet) and the PCs to which they are connected. With a self-hosted system, everything is within sight and under your immediate control. Smaller firms might not have a “server”, but rather a network of a few computers, though not as complex as a server setup, these computer-to-computer networks are still self-hosted systems.

What are the costs associated with Self-Hosted Systems?
To some degree, this will depend on the size of your firm. Larger firms require more computers, servers with more capacity and power, and more user licenses. Not to mention the ongoing support necessary to maintain and secure these systems. The costs for implementing and maintaining an on-premises system are not necessarily cyclical — sometimes they are sporadic and hidden. To maintain an on-site system, some of the costs include:

– The actual server and networking equipment.

– Computers for each work station.

– Server software and software for each PC, including ant-virus and security software.

– IT support — either in house or through a vendor, including ongoing support for daily issues, as well as bigger issues like hacks, accidents, lost laptops, etc.

– Server replacement: The “useful life” of your server is about 3–5 years and replacement costs need to be taken into consideration.

– Security personnel to watch over the physical premises 24/7/365.

– If the firm has more than one location (even a simple satellite office), individual servers are required in each branch, leading to a monumental hike in costs.

– Access to data is restricted and often not available across multiple devices or platforms.

We must highlight the fact that more important than the cost of security and maintenance of the system itself, the security of your data is under higher risk as it is contained in a singular location. Any act of god, a breach, power backup failure, etc. poses a serious threat to the safety of your data. To fully understand the security issues related to on-premises systems, please see our previous article “Is the Cloud really secure?”

On the other hand, Cloud based systems and technologies have undergone significant innovation and transformation over the last decade. These developments, led by the likes of Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and Google, have seriously advanced the digital lives of individuals and businesses. You, your clients and your staff likely use the cloud multiple times a day, every day of the week.

What is Cloud based systems?

IBM defines “Cloud computing, often referred to as simply to as “the cloud” [as] the delivery of on demand computing resources- everything from applications to data centers- over the internet on a pay-for-use basis.” Cloud systems are extremely elastic, they can scale up or down as your organization require meeting your unique demands, which is a major plus for your organization.

All your data sits on remote server farms maintained by some of the biggest companies of the world such as Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, Google and do not sit locally on your systems, thereby making your organization lighter and nimbler. Importantly, in addition to being secure, the cloud systems are much less expensive and include many features most law firms could not afford. Some of these benefits and features include:

– No on location server and office costs, which in turn leads to absence of maintenance contracts, in-house IT and special server security personnel.

– Data backups across many locations equal more security from breaches, acts of god, environmental factors, etc.

– 24/7/365 proactive security monitoring performed by cyber security experts.

– Anytime, anywhere, immediate all access across multi devices and platforms leading to greater efficiency in collaboration and tracking.

– Costs incurred on a per machine/per year basis which leads to significantly lower costs.

– Significantly less time and costs associated with setup.
– Perfect for meeting your client’s demands from anywhere, at any time.

Comparing the two, it is evident cloud based systems are superior in every aspect. They offer enhanced levels of security that even the largest firms struggle to afford. They provide all firms, no matter their size, with the latest cutting-edge technology that is constantly tested and improved upon. Finally, they accomplish all of these things for a fraction of the price of a self-hosted system, not to mention saving you from dealing with the countless headaches inherent to such systems. In short, you get significantly more for significantly less, all while having more time to focus on helping your clients. It is a win-win situation.

To learn more about the latest in cloud technologies and legal tech. If you would like to see exactly how Legal Cloud can support your practice as you grow, you can schedule a demo now. And as always, please feel free to email or call with any questions you might have. We look forward to working with you and enabling you to exponentially expand your practice.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Best tips to take care of your smartphone or tablet

Everyone knows that after certain point of time the smartphone battery life doesn’t least forever, so you have to take care. Battery dies sooner after particular number of years or over use. Though there are many mobile phone repair options available to you, one must always go for precautionary measures. Using the below mentioned tips you can even better handle your tablet battery life and avoid any expenses of tablet repair.

Pamper your battery – This means one has to take utmost care of their battery, do not let your battery get over heated while it is on charging, do not let the battery charge plug in area be dirty or wet for any minutes longer. Make sure the charger is proper and not spoilt, battery’s do not last longer if the internet of your smartphone of tablet is on so off them while they are not in use. This helps you to keep your battery alive for longer.

Push notifications – many do not know that the push notifications one keeps getting is eating a lot of your power of the phone; turn them off if you do not really need them. If you can and do not require this turn of your GPS of the phone as well.

Settings – try to change your phone settings, keep the brightness low and avoid any sort of live wall papers. These papers can be a trouble and eat up your battery lie 20 times faster than you think; this might even weaken your battery for real so avoid any such situations. Keep updating your software, it might eat your battery a little but it is very beneficial in the longer run.

Switch off- switch on- do not switch on or switch of your phone consistently, this is like challenging your phone. Do not reboot the phone so often. Once in 48 hours you can switch of the phone for a while this will turn off all the running apps in back, so this might be helpful as well.

Charge – people tend to use their phone even when they are about to die, charging your phone is necessary but do not over do the charging. Do not put your device or tablet on charging and forget to unplug it from there for a longer time. It might spoilt your phone plugs and over heat them and then you will spend your money in mobile repair and if it is a tablet repair you are going to end up spending extra as they charge quite a good amount.

Though the above mentioned tips are known people do not take it seriously, one must try and make sure that they take these tips seriously and put into action. You can run your phone for a longer time if you use them properly and take care of your battery.

Make sure you don’t switch your phone’s original battery with an ordinary local battery this might harm your smartphone and there are chances that it might blast someday.

Original battery lasts longer and they are reliable for our expensive phones and tablets. Though you have to still take crucial care of these batteries as well for them to last longer and stay in a good condition.

Get your mobiles repaired at the go

Mobile phones are a very important part of our lives. But being an electronic good, it does not have a very good lifespan. Thus repairing of such electronic goods has become a very popular thing. The best place to take the phone to for repairing purposes is to the local repair store of that specific brand. Mobile phone repair is a very lucrative business at the moment.Mobile phones are a very important part of our lives.

Mobile phone repair at local repair stores

One of the best places to get mobile phone or tablet repair is at the local repair store. These days’ people consider the different brand stores or the branded service centers to be the best place to take their electronic goods. But the truth is that most of these places are often more expensive than the normal repair places that you will find ion your locality. Along with that, as soon as you step into a branded store, you will have to go through a whole rigorous process of getting your phone checked, only after presenting the documents required by them.

But when you take your phone to a local store, there are no hassle of having to go through a whole line of documents. All you need to do is give them your gadget and they will be looking into all the details. They will examine the phone and then let you know of the problem that is there. They will then get the job done accordingly. This makes a local store much simpler and cost friendly.

Getting your phones repaired

There are many different local stores that you can opt for when you want to get your phone repaired. We recommend that you choose one that is near your home or a place that you need to travel to everyday. These places will have good engineers who will know exactly how to repair your phone. At the same time they will also be able to provide any software related service as well. Make sure that you are getting the phone checked by the best of the repairman so that you do not end up having to take it for repair within a few days itself. Another good thing about most of these repairs person is that they will be offering you some kind of guarantee for a specific time period.

Different types of problems in phones and tablets that require professional repairing

These days’ electronic goods have become a necessity in life. But at the same time, since they are electronic in nature, they do tend to have problems more than often. The most common problem that they have is in their screen. Most smart phones are touch screen these days and a little problem in the screen often renders the whole phone useless.

If you are facing any problem with your electronic gadget, such as mobile phones, it is best to get it checked at the earliest. Make sure that you do not end up wasting time and then having to throw away the gadget on the whole.

Repairing Your Electronic Products

Phones and tablets have taken up the place of computers and laptops these days. These tabs are much more convenient to carry around than laptops though they majorly do the work of a laptop. So even having to stay without your tablet for a long time might be troublesome. But phones and tablets are after all electronic things, thus they are prone to damage. So they need to be sent in for mobile phone repairs.

How to get your mobile or tablet fixed?

The best way to ensure that your phone or tablet gets fixed or repaired is to take it to a proper repair shop for such electronic goods. These centers have professionals who are trained and experience with the brand you are using and will know the specifications. They can help you to understand the problem in your phone as well as make the phone work properly again. Most brands offer guarantees and if your phone is within the time stipulated for the guarantee then you can easily get the repairing for free. But in case it is out of the guarantee period then you will be required to pay for the services which can get a bit expensive.

So if you are worried about expenses you can easily visit a local shop for your repairing needs. The electricians at the shops have a good knowledge of the work to be executed and they can thus solve your problems easily. They charge much less than the service centers. But it is recommended to take your phone to a trusted shop. These local shops are best at dealing with hardware issues. They have access to the spare parts and can easily change them. You will not have to incur too heavy expenses while dealing with the local iphone repair.

Problems in electronic goods

Most electronic goods do not last for more than a few years. You can be sure that your gadget will end up facing some issues after some time. The most common problem is with the softwares. They tend to get full and soon starts to give trouble. The other common thing that affects phones is the screen. These days with the advent of touch screens, more and more people are opting to use them. A slight problem in the screen makes the whole phone useless. So knowing a good service place is a good option!

Where to get it fixed?

There are many different places from where you can get your phone fixed. The service centers are the main place that most people tend to opt for. But the truth is, most local repair places are a better option. They are not only cheaper but also better at the work. They have a team of people who are apt for the job and will be able to take on any complicated work. They will also be able to provide you with original products at a much lower cost. Mobiles and tablets are an essential in our lives these days. So it is no surprise that repair shops have gained a lot of popularity over the years. Local repair shops are most popular these days.

Why your business needs Cloud Data Backup

Cloud data backup services is similar to traditional backup services, just that all the copies of data is stored over the Internet. Think about a disaster that caused irreversible damage to your data. All the years of efforts you put in to develop the amount of data goes in vain in no time. Not only that but your business could face a huge financial loss due to data damage.

Although there are multiple options to create backups of your data, not all of them are reliable. Your business needs something they could rely upon and be assured that their data is safe and secure. Online data backup is a cloud solution that enables users to replicate and archive data and restore it in case the data is lost unexpectedly. Due to cloud’s highly advanced features, organizations are widely adopting the solution. However, there are many yet to move. Here is how you can do it:

Benefits of cloud backup

One of the best examples of online data storage is Google drive, Dropbox, etc. that lets you store a great deal of data, which can be accessed from virtually anywhere and at any time. Such options are suitable for individual user, but when it comes to locating business data, you need a professional service that can better take care of your data and applications. Many cloud service providers are offering optimum backup solutions that includes storage of data at multiple location with assured security. This means that your data is located at more than one remote location so if something goes wrong at a particular location you are assured that your data is still safe and not completely lost.

Automatic data backup is another beneficial backup solution that creates copies of data automatically on the server. As organizations keep assembling data on a daily basis, the data is automatically copied on server and thus, all the new data is stored safely. Online data storage seems to a not-so-secure option given security issues. But nowadays service providers ensure to apply robust security solutions such as encryption to make sure that network is maintained safe.

Choosing a service provider

Before finding the ideal service provider for your needs, you need to determine your company needs. This includes what needs to go on cloud, how many copies need to be created and so on. Once you’re done deciding these crucial factors, the next step is to choose a service provider that can accommodate your defined requirements. Not every cloud provider is same; they differ when it comes to providing certain services. So make sure to find a service provider that offers exactly what you need.

After that comes the budget. Every service provider offer different pricing model. The basic fee might be less, but it may go high as you start subscribing to other services. Make sure you go through the entire policy of the company and look for the different additional fees they charge, so that you don’t end up paying heavy monthly cost.

If you decide to use cloud solely for the backup purpose, then you may not have to deal with comprehensive planning. But if you are looking to make the most of it and integrate it extensively, then better determine the operational needs, as there are plenty of things you’ll have to plan before the implementation.

Adding cloud to your backup strategy can help in restoring all the data in case your primary site is incapacitated.

About Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd.:

Web Werks is an India-based CMMI Level 3 Web Hosting company with 5 carrier neutral data centers in India and USA. Started in 1996, Web Werks has served several Fortune 500 companies with successful projects in the areas of Web Hosting, Data Center Services, Dedicated Servers, Colocation servers, Disaster Recovery Services, VPS Hosting Services, and Cloud Hosting.

How To Recover Deleted Files From The Hard Disk

Sometimes we mistakenly click on the delete button of some important files or reports. It has happened with almost everybody. But there is a...