About me

Hello and welcome to our Tech Knowledge blog
My name is Sunil, and I’m so glad you decided to click over (either on purpose or accidentally) to my little corner of the internet!  Shakti is the Sanskrit word for strength/power.  My goal is to share the things that feed my inner strength.  For me, that always includes my husband, my family, and my friends.  Be prepared to know more about them than you probably care to.
I’m known for being a passionate individual.  My interests range from health and fitness to cooking to reading to Technology to just living life and having fun.  With that being said, even after six years of blogging, My Inner Shakti doesn’t fit into a specific genre.  Think of it as a lifestyle blog with a [mostly] healthy twist!  
If you’re wondering what that means, join the club…just kidding…kind of!  Based on my track record, you’ll likely find posts about one or more of the following things –  personal development type stuff, books I’m reading, movies I’ve seen, articles I’ve read, the Indian culture, etc.
In the real world I’m actually known for being a fairly organized person, but when it comes to this blog, I want to share ALL THE THINGS!  If I knew then what I know now, I probably would’ve named it My Inner Organized Chaos!

Other somewhat important things to know about me…
I was born and raised in Delhi India and always will be home.  Mostly because that’s where our families are!
I’m a graduate of both the University of Sheffield Hallam (Msc International Marketing)
I’m a Programming Analyst in one of the Global bank in UK.  Say what you will about IT, but it’s a fun job that allows me to work with people all over the world on several different projects at any given time.
I’m a chocoholic (that’s putting it mildly).  I love to laugh.  I have a younger sister (my mini me!).  I’m a very emotional person who wears her heart on her sleeve.  I love love.  I want to travel the world.  I hate shopping but love clothes/shoes. I love to write (hence having a blog!).
Whether you decide to read regularly or not, I hope you walk away from My Inner Shakti with a smile on your face.  Thank you so much for stopping by!
And if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at sunilminha@gmail.com. I LOVE emails!
DISCLAIMER :-Please note that I’m not a health care professional.  Everything I blog about is based on my personal accounts and experiences.  Please consult your doctor if you’re going to make major changes to your diet, exercise regimen, and/or lifestyle.

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