Tuesday, May 16, 2017

How To Recover Deleted Files From The Hard Disk

Sometimes we mistakenly click on the delete button of some important files or reports. It has happened with almost everybody. But there is always a chance to recover deleted files. This means the files deleted is never lost forever, they are still stored in the hard drive or the flash drive and it is possible to recover all those deleted files. The deleted files can only be recovered when the data recovery process is done quickly. This is because every time a new data is written to the hard drive, the chance gets lowers of a successful recovery of the file lost.

To recover the deleted files, the best thing is to do it quickly. It should not be left until after a week of heavy computer use. This is because the files are still accessible after deletion. It means that the data is still there, even though the space has been the marked as “free” by Windows. The chances of recovery decrease if Windows overwrites the data, which can happen after a heavy computer use or there is little free space the hard drive.

Sometimes installing the data recovery software on the hard drive where the deleted data was stored also provides a possibility of overwriting it. So, to avoid this problem the software should be installed to a separate disk.

Tips To Recover Deleted Files:

1. Recovering The Deleted File From The Recycle Bin-

Windows generally stores all the deleted data in the recycle bin as a safety measure. So there is chance for getting the data recovered until and unless the recycle bin has not been cleaned. Choose the deleted file and right click on it. Click “restore” option and the file is restored to its original place.

2. Recovering The Deleted Files From The Back-Ups-

If you regularly back-up your hard drive or the libraries at least, then there is probably a chance of the deleted files to be stored there. It is an easy way of data recovery. If you don’t back-up your files then get into the habit of doing so. Choose a reliable back-up program and this could definitely help next time if a data loss happens again.

3. Recovering The Deleted Files Using A Data Recovery Software-

When the deleted files could not be recovered from recycle bin and back-up then a data recovery software can help. Some popular data recovery softwares are Recuva Portable and EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional. These are helpful in such situations and easily recover deleted files. It not only recovers deleted files but also in many data loss situations like virus attack, system crash, raw hard drive, format recovery and many more. Recuva Portable is portable software; it means it doesn’t needs to be installed which prevent further writing on the hard drive.

4. Hiring a Professional-

Hiring a professional is the last option of recovering the deleted files. Many data recovery services are available. Since your hard drive is working you don’t need to buy the expensive ones.

How To Prevent The Problem?

Once the problem is sorted and the files have been recovered, it is important to follow some precautions so that no such problems take place in future. A system image should be created once a week when the computer is running properly to ensure that the files have been backed up elsewhere. Use the Back Up File Wizard regularly if it is a Windows operating system. Make a habit of saving important files and data onto a flash drive, a CD/DVD or a removable hard drive.

7 hacks to keep your Iphone battery last longer

Iphone one of the leading smartphone brands, it has so much to offer you but unfortunately you can use these incredible awesome features only if you have enough battery. You have to take utmost care of your battery as it is the life of your phone and if this goes off you are going to end up spending money on your mobile phone repair. And if you are using an Iphone you already know that the services are so rare that you spend a lot on Iphone repairs.

Following are the 7 hacks to keep your Iphone battery last longer

Latest software update- one must update their software of the Iphone to the latest update. As the updates by the apple have some really good battery saving technologies. So this will help you a lot to keep your battery going in the long run. Keep updating your phone with the latest updates; one can even go to the gallery if they do not know how to update their Iphone’s.

Comfort zone – make sure that your Iphone is in a comfort zone of temperature, it is advisable by the experts to not expose your phone more than 35 degrees Celsius. This can be harmful to your phone as these heats up your battery and harms it. Even while charging the phones become hot so make sure you do not keep them on charge for a longer time.

Avoid covers – Do not let your phone be in a phone cover while it is on charge especially when the phone has a metallic cover. This might also contribute to them heating faster than you thought. So avoid covers while you are putting your Iphone on charge as they are very delicate even more than your other smartphones.

Turn on Auto brightness – auto brightness is the solution for you to save your battery life and simultaneously even get a brighter screen while you are using the phone. It adjusts to the lightening conditions automatically.

Manage your apps – even when you are not using the applications there are few of them which keep running in the background, few of these apps eat a lot of your battery. So one has to turn all the unused battery eating apps when they are not required.

USB charging – many people do not know this that if you are charging your Iphone via USb make sure your computer or laptop is on charge as well. if the plug in is off then this might drain your device’s battery and affect. So take some extra care while you are charging your Iphone via USB charging and wires.

Switch to low power mode – if you are using an Iphone than try and switch to low power mode and on it as it helps you to control your brightness, your device’s performance as well as the background applications stop running on their own. This also helps you to minimize system animation and helps you to save a lot of your battery.

So these were the 7 hacks that one must know and keep an eye on to save their battery life of their Iphone or you might end up replacing your battery and Iphone repairs cost a lot as they are a foreign brand.

Costs of the Cloud – Enhancing your legal firm’s technology

Over the last few weeks, we have discussed the rapid rate at which technology for lawyers has been developing. With these rapid developments, come a slew of issues that each law firm must consider when determining what technology is right for them, such as: what is the difference between “hosted” and “cloud”; how secure is the cloud; what do the ethics committees say about technology; what is the cost; and what product truly understands the nature of our practices?

These are all critically important questions that we must ask ourselves before making any decision about which technology will best support our clients and team. To date, our Mastering the World of Legal Technology series has covered all of these topics, except what are the cost benefits of the cloud versus self-hosted systems?

What are Self-Hosted Systems?

Though you likely already know the answer to this question, let’s begin here to make sure we are all on the same page. Simply put, self-hosted systems are those systems that you have on your premises. They are the servers powering up your firm that sit right in your office space (usually a closet) and the PCs to which they are connected. With a self-hosted system, everything is within sight and under your immediate control. Smaller firms might not have a “server”, but rather a network of a few computers, though not as complex as a server setup, these computer-to-computer networks are still self-hosted systems.

What are the costs associated with Self-Hosted Systems?
To some degree, this will depend on the size of your firm. Larger firms require more computers, servers with more capacity and power, and more user licenses. Not to mention the ongoing support necessary to maintain and secure these systems. The costs for implementing and maintaining an on-premises system are not necessarily cyclical — sometimes they are sporadic and hidden. To maintain an on-site system, some of the costs include:

– The actual server and networking equipment.

– Computers for each work station.

– Server software and software for each PC, including ant-virus and security software.

– IT support — either in house or through a vendor, including ongoing support for daily issues, as well as bigger issues like hacks, accidents, lost laptops, etc.

– Server replacement: The “useful life” of your server is about 3–5 years and replacement costs need to be taken into consideration.

– Security personnel to watch over the physical premises 24/7/365.

– If the firm has more than one location (even a simple satellite office), individual servers are required in each branch, leading to a monumental hike in costs.

– Access to data is restricted and often not available across multiple devices or platforms.

We must highlight the fact that more important than the cost of security and maintenance of the system itself, the security of your data is under higher risk as it is contained in a singular location. Any act of god, a breach, power backup failure, etc. poses a serious threat to the safety of your data. To fully understand the security issues related to on-premises systems, please see our previous article “Is the Cloud really secure?”

On the other hand, Cloud based systems and technologies have undergone significant innovation and transformation over the last decade. These developments, led by the likes of Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and Google, have seriously advanced the digital lives of individuals and businesses. You, your clients and your staff likely use the cloud multiple times a day, every day of the week.

What is Cloud based systems?

IBM defines “Cloud computing, often referred to as simply to as “the cloud” [as] the delivery of on demand computing resources- everything from applications to data centers- over the internet on a pay-for-use basis.” Cloud systems are extremely elastic, they can scale up or down as your organization require meeting your unique demands, which is a major plus for your organization.

All your data sits on remote server farms maintained by some of the biggest companies of the world such as Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, Google and do not sit locally on your systems, thereby making your organization lighter and nimbler. Importantly, in addition to being secure, the cloud systems are much less expensive and include many features most law firms could not afford. Some of these benefits and features include:

– No on location server and office costs, which in turn leads to absence of maintenance contracts, in-house IT and special server security personnel.

– Data backups across many locations equal more security from breaches, acts of god, environmental factors, etc.

– 24/7/365 proactive security monitoring performed by cyber security experts.

– Anytime, anywhere, immediate all access across multi devices and platforms leading to greater efficiency in collaboration and tracking.

– Costs incurred on a per machine/per year basis which leads to significantly lower costs.

– Significantly less time and costs associated with setup.
– Perfect for meeting your client’s demands from anywhere, at any time.

Comparing the two, it is evident cloud based systems are superior in every aspect. They offer enhanced levels of security that even the largest firms struggle to afford. They provide all firms, no matter their size, with the latest cutting-edge technology that is constantly tested and improved upon. Finally, they accomplish all of these things for a fraction of the price of a self-hosted system, not to mention saving you from dealing with the countless headaches inherent to such systems. In short, you get significantly more for significantly less, all while having more time to focus on helping your clients. It is a win-win situation.

To learn more about the latest in cloud technologies and legal tech. If you would like to see exactly how Legal Cloud can support your practice as you grow, you can schedule a demo now. And as always, please feel free to email or call with any questions you might have. We look forward to working with you and enabling you to exponentially expand your practice.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Best tips to take care of your smartphone or tablet

Everyone knows that after certain point of time the smartphone battery life doesn’t least forever, so you have to take care. Battery dies sooner after particular number of years or over use. Though there are many mobile phone repair options available to you, one must always go for precautionary measures. Using the below mentioned tips you can even better handle your tablet battery life and avoid any expenses of tablet repair.

Pamper your battery – This means one has to take utmost care of their battery, do not let your battery get over heated while it is on charging, do not let the battery charge plug in area be dirty or wet for any minutes longer. Make sure the charger is proper and not spoilt, battery’s do not last longer if the internet of your smartphone of tablet is on so off them while they are not in use. This helps you to keep your battery alive for longer.

Push notifications – many do not know that the push notifications one keeps getting is eating a lot of your power of the phone; turn them off if you do not really need them. If you can and do not require this turn of your GPS of the phone as well.

Settings – try to change your phone settings, keep the brightness low and avoid any sort of live wall papers. These papers can be a trouble and eat up your battery lie 20 times faster than you think; this might even weaken your battery for real so avoid any such situations. Keep updating your software, it might eat your battery a little but it is very beneficial in the longer run.

Switch off- switch on- do not switch on or switch of your phone consistently, this is like challenging your phone. Do not reboot the phone so often. Once in 48 hours you can switch of the phone for a while this will turn off all the running apps in back, so this might be helpful as well.

Charge – people tend to use their phone even when they are about to die, charging your phone is necessary but do not over do the charging. Do not put your device or tablet on charging and forget to unplug it from there for a longer time. It might spoilt your phone plugs and over heat them and then you will spend your money in mobile repair and if it is a tablet repair you are going to end up spending extra as they charge quite a good amount.

Though the above mentioned tips are known people do not take it seriously, one must try and make sure that they take these tips seriously and put into action. You can run your phone for a longer time if you use them properly and take care of your battery.

Make sure you don’t switch your phone’s original battery with an ordinary local battery this might harm your smartphone and there are chances that it might blast someday.

Original battery lasts longer and they are reliable for our expensive phones and tablets. Though you have to still take crucial care of these batteries as well for them to last longer and stay in a good condition.

Get your mobiles repaired at the go

Mobile phones are a very important part of our lives. But being an electronic good, it does not have a very good lifespan. Thus repairing of such electronic goods has become a very popular thing. The best place to take the phone to for repairing purposes is to the local repair store of that specific brand. Mobile phone repair is a very lucrative business at the moment.Mobile phones are a very important part of our lives.

Mobile phone repair at local repair stores

One of the best places to get mobile phone or tablet repair is at the local repair store. These days’ people consider the different brand stores or the branded service centers to be the best place to take their electronic goods. But the truth is that most of these places are often more expensive than the normal repair places that you will find ion your locality. Along with that, as soon as you step into a branded store, you will have to go through a whole rigorous process of getting your phone checked, only after presenting the documents required by them.

But when you take your phone to a local store, there are no hassle of having to go through a whole line of documents. All you need to do is give them your gadget and they will be looking into all the details. They will examine the phone and then let you know of the problem that is there. They will then get the job done accordingly. This makes a local store much simpler and cost friendly.

Getting your phones repaired

There are many different local stores that you can opt for when you want to get your phone repaired. We recommend that you choose one that is near your home or a place that you need to travel to everyday. These places will have good engineers who will know exactly how to repair your phone. At the same time they will also be able to provide any software related service as well. Make sure that you are getting the phone checked by the best of the repairman so that you do not end up having to take it for repair within a few days itself. Another good thing about most of these repairs person is that they will be offering you some kind of guarantee for a specific time period.

Different types of problems in phones and tablets that require professional repairing

These days’ electronic goods have become a necessity in life. But at the same time, since they are electronic in nature, they do tend to have problems more than often. The most common problem that they have is in their screen. Most smart phones are touch screen these days and a little problem in the screen often renders the whole phone useless.

If you are facing any problem with your electronic gadget, such as mobile phones, it is best to get it checked at the earliest. Make sure that you do not end up wasting time and then having to throw away the gadget on the whole.

Repairing Your Electronic Products

Phones and tablets have taken up the place of computers and laptops these days. These tabs are much more convenient to carry around than laptops though they majorly do the work of a laptop. So even having to stay without your tablet for a long time might be troublesome. But phones and tablets are after all electronic things, thus they are prone to damage. So they need to be sent in for mobile phone repairs.

How to get your mobile or tablet fixed?

The best way to ensure that your phone or tablet gets fixed or repaired is to take it to a proper repair shop for such electronic goods. These centers have professionals who are trained and experience with the brand you are using and will know the specifications. They can help you to understand the problem in your phone as well as make the phone work properly again. Most brands offer guarantees and if your phone is within the time stipulated for the guarantee then you can easily get the repairing for free. But in case it is out of the guarantee period then you will be required to pay for the services which can get a bit expensive.

So if you are worried about expenses you can easily visit a local shop for your repairing needs. The electricians at the shops have a good knowledge of the work to be executed and they can thus solve your problems easily. They charge much less than the service centers. But it is recommended to take your phone to a trusted shop. These local shops are best at dealing with hardware issues. They have access to the spare parts and can easily change them. You will not have to incur too heavy expenses while dealing with the local iphone repair.

Problems in electronic goods

Most electronic goods do not last for more than a few years. You can be sure that your gadget will end up facing some issues after some time. The most common problem is with the softwares. They tend to get full and soon starts to give trouble. The other common thing that affects phones is the screen. These days with the advent of touch screens, more and more people are opting to use them. A slight problem in the screen makes the whole phone useless. So knowing a good service place is a good option!

Where to get it fixed?

There are many different places from where you can get your phone fixed. The service centers are the main place that most people tend to opt for. But the truth is, most local repair places are a better option. They are not only cheaper but also better at the work. They have a team of people who are apt for the job and will be able to take on any complicated work. They will also be able to provide you with original products at a much lower cost. Mobiles and tablets are an essential in our lives these days. So it is no surprise that repair shops have gained a lot of popularity over the years. Local repair shops are most popular these days.

Why your business needs Cloud Data Backup

Cloud data backup services is similar to traditional backup services, just that all the copies of data is stored over the Internet. Think about a disaster that caused irreversible damage to your data. All the years of efforts you put in to develop the amount of data goes in vain in no time. Not only that but your business could face a huge financial loss due to data damage.

Although there are multiple options to create backups of your data, not all of them are reliable. Your business needs something they could rely upon and be assured that their data is safe and secure. Online data backup is a cloud solution that enables users to replicate and archive data and restore it in case the data is lost unexpectedly. Due to cloud’s highly advanced features, organizations are widely adopting the solution. However, there are many yet to move. Here is how you can do it:

Benefits of cloud backup

One of the best examples of online data storage is Google drive, Dropbox, etc. that lets you store a great deal of data, which can be accessed from virtually anywhere and at any time. Such options are suitable for individual user, but when it comes to locating business data, you need a professional service that can better take care of your data and applications. Many cloud service providers are offering optimum backup solutions that includes storage of data at multiple location with assured security. This means that your data is located at more than one remote location so if something goes wrong at a particular location you are assured that your data is still safe and not completely lost.

Automatic data backup is another beneficial backup solution that creates copies of data automatically on the server. As organizations keep assembling data on a daily basis, the data is automatically copied on server and thus, all the new data is stored safely. Online data storage seems to a not-so-secure option given security issues. But nowadays service providers ensure to apply robust security solutions such as encryption to make sure that network is maintained safe.

Choosing a service provider

Before finding the ideal service provider for your needs, you need to determine your company needs. This includes what needs to go on cloud, how many copies need to be created and so on. Once you’re done deciding these crucial factors, the next step is to choose a service provider that can accommodate your defined requirements. Not every cloud provider is same; they differ when it comes to providing certain services. So make sure to find a service provider that offers exactly what you need.

After that comes the budget. Every service provider offer different pricing model. The basic fee might be less, but it may go high as you start subscribing to other services. Make sure you go through the entire policy of the company and look for the different additional fees they charge, so that you don’t end up paying heavy monthly cost.

If you decide to use cloud solely for the backup purpose, then you may not have to deal with comprehensive planning. But if you are looking to make the most of it and integrate it extensively, then better determine the operational needs, as there are plenty of things you’ll have to plan before the implementation.

Adding cloud to your backup strategy can help in restoring all the data in case your primary site is incapacitated.

About Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd.:

Web Werks is an India-based CMMI Level 3 Web Hosting company with 5 carrier neutral data centers in India and USA. Started in 1996, Web Werks has served several Fortune 500 companies with successful projects in the areas of Web Hosting, Data Center Services, Dedicated Servers, Colocation servers, Disaster Recovery Services, VPS Hosting Services, and Cloud Hosting.

Advantages Of Using Wireless 4G Routers

Technology has been progressing by leaps and bounds and the device that you had been comfortable using yesterday may become obsolete today. It is a time that you were up to date too and do not have to experience an unnecessary delay while using your laptop, tablet or Smart Phone. Sure you need a 4G Modem in order to operate at never thought before speeds. Sadly, the 3G modem is not compatible with 4G speeds and you do need the advanced modem to take advantage of the modern technology currently available.

While the 4G speeds are not quite as fast as the recommended standards yet, most companies are trying hard to achieve it ASAP. The 3G modem is not yet completely phased out either and you can definitely use it as a backup, the advantages of going 4G outweighs the disadvantages heavily. Take a look at the benefits that you can enjoy once you switch to the 4th generation:-

The download speeds are considerably faster and can be as much as 7 times that of the old 3G model.
The upload speed, unfortunately, remains more or less the same but tech professionals hope to resolve this issue sooner than later.
The latest Internet protocol i.e. IPv6 does not duplicate the IP addresses unlike the IPv4

Staying connected 24X7 has become the catchword now and the young generation along with every business owner wants Internet accessibility no matter where they are. Using a GSM Router has proved to be extremely advantageous therefore. Some of the plus points of this wireless router are as follows:-

Internet Accessibility Outside – You can set up a wireless network via your mobile phone wherever you happen to be without having to depend on a Wi-Fi enabled area like your office or home. Enjoy chatting or working in a park or a picnic spot with ease courtesy your cellular router.

No Local ISP Required- You do not have to locate the Internet service provider in your area to be online. Simply use the router and stay in touch with the world without any hassles.

On The Move- Use the Internet easily via the GSM router without accessing the network in diverse locations whenever you are travelling. This will help you to keep your expenses in check too as you do not have to pay different rates for the data used in different places.

Second Internet Connection- You can definitely use it as a reliable backup at home or office, if your primary service is disrupted temporarily for any reason.

Opting for a Long-Term Evolution Modem is yet another move that is going to be worth your while. It is thought to be the best data transmission option in the recent times. You as a user can certainly be in advantage by using the LTE Router for gaining access via the Internet. Check out the associated benefits first:-

It can transmit voice as well as data
LTE supports multiple input-multiple outputs (MIMO) giving you the benefit of higher data rates.
You get to experience high-speed file downloads
The process of streaming data is smooth without any interruption midway.


If it looks like a spinach leaf and tastes like a spinach leaf, then how can it be used to help grow heart tissue? Well, that’s exactly what researchers at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison intend to do.

Joshua Gershlak, the first author on “Crossing kingdoms: Using decellularized plants as perfusable tissue engineering scaffolds”, explained:

“I had done decellularization work on human hearts before, and when I looked at the spinach leaf its stem reminded me of an aorta. So I thought, let’s perfuse right through the stem. We weren’t sure it would work, but it turned out to be pretty easy and replicable. It’s working in many other plants.”

Cultivating Tissue Growth With Plants Is Nothing New
This isn’t the first time researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have tested plant-based scaffolds in place of costlier synthetic alternatives.

“Plants are extraordinarily good at cultivating new tissues and organs, and there are thousands of different plant species readily available.” As noted by Dr. Murphy in a related study, “They represent a tremendous feedstock of new materials for tissue engineering applications.” In Murphy’s study, the plant-based scaffolds used were made from parsley, orchid, wasabi, and bamboo.

In the latest study, however, the focus fell specifically to the spinach leaf. It was the similarity between the leaf’s innate vascular structure that made the researchers curious to see how it would perform as a substitute for the human vessels.

Spinach Leaf as Vascular Structure Substitute
In their paper, the WPI team stated, “Cellulose is biocompatible [and] has been used in a wide variety of regenerative medicine applications, such as cartilage tissue engineering, bone tissue engineering, and wound healing.”

Under normal circumstances, the thin veins of the spinach leaf deliver water and nutrients to the rest of its cells. It’s the hope of the WPI researchers to be able to use those veins—after being treated with an overlay of human cells—to transport blood through human tissue.

If it looks like a spinach leaf and tastes like a spinach leaf, then how can it be used to help grow heart tissue? Well, that’s exactly what researchers at the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison intend to do.

Joshua Gershlak, the first author on “Crossing kingdoms: Using decellularized plants as perfusable tissue engineering scaffolds”, explained:

“I had done decellularization work on human hearts before, and when I looked at the spinach leaf its stem reminded me of an aorta. So I thought, let’s perfuse right through the stem. We weren’t sure it would work, but it turned out to be pretty easy and replicable. It’s working in many other plants.”

Cultivating Tissue Growth With Plants Is Nothing New
This isn’t the first time researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have tested plant-based scaffolds in place of costlier synthetic alternatives.

“Plants are extraordinarily good at cultivating new tissues and organs, and there are thousands of different plant species readily available.” As noted by Dr. Murphy in a related study, “They represent a tremendous feedstock of new materials for tissue engineering applications.” In Murphy’s study, the plant-based scaffolds used were made from parsley, orchid, wasabi, and bamboo.

In the latest study, however, the focus fell specifically to the spinach leaf. It was the similarity between the leaf’s innate vascular structure that made the researchers curious to see how it would perform as a substitute for the human vessels.

Spinach Leaf as Vascular Structure Substitute
In their paper, the WPI team stated, “Cellulose is biocompatible [and] has been used in a wide variety of regenerative medicine applications, such as cartilage tissue engineering, bone tissue engineering, and wound healing.”

Under normal circumstances, the thin veins of the spinach leaf deliver water and nutrients to the rest of its cells. It’s the hope of the WPI researchers to be able to use those veins—after being treated with an overlay of human cells—to transport blood through human tissue.

You must do if you have broken your IPhone screen

We all come across accidents and our smartphone tripping and falling on the ground is a very common thing now. Not every phone is as delicate as an Iphone and if your Iphone screen gets damaged because of a sudden fall then there are chances that the screen is completely crushed into pieces.

Mobile phone repairs shop can fix these screens for you at a cheaper rate than the Iphone company professionals. And for Ipad glass repair as well as Iphone screen repair you can also choose do-it yourself kits.

But if you do not know about what has to be done after you have accidentally broken your Iphone screen than here are the few things you should do.

Mobile phone repairs shop can fix these screens for you at a cheaper rate than the Iphone company professionals. And for Ipad glass repair as well as Iphone screen repair you can also choose do-it yourself kits.

Warranty status – first thing that you have to do is check your warranty status, now either your phone can be in warranty period or if you had insured your phone with Apple care plus. With these two things in your hand you can get your phone repaired for lesser cost.

Backup your device – Now the next thing that you have to do is Backup your device, generally this is not possible if the screen is completely damaged. But if the screen has scratches and crashed to a level where you can still see the display than the first thing you should do is backup your device. Go to ITunes and connect the phone to Pc or your Ipad and backup your device completely to avoid any loss of important data.

Replace – Now many people are unaware about this, but if you take your phone to the Apple professionals then they replace your phone with their device up until your phone is in repair. Apple charges a very reasonable cost to their customers for this replacement.

Void your warranty – The Apple Professionals completely void the warranty of the phone if they feel that the phone was in the hands of a third party. They do not accept handsets if their customer had been to third parties for cheaper repair prior to them. So one thing that you do not have to do is go to a third party for fixing your Iphone screen.

Do not do it yourself – Though there are many tutorials and guides available online which explicitly guide about how to repair your own phone with kits and tools, avoid them. According to the Apple professionals never try to repair the Iphone screens on your own as that might damage your phone even more if you do not understand the tutorial thoroughly.

These are the 5 things that one must do if they have accidentally broken their screen, always remembers Iphone Is a very delicate phone and if you want to use the same phone than you have to immediately run to the company professionals for repair. Now if you have apple care plus insurance than the repair cost will be much cheaper than the normal cost of repair.

Different WAN Technologies and Components

Dial-Up connection: It can be used by organizations to establish connection to the internet. It requires phone line and proper set-up is essential before the communication transaction start. A dial-up connection is the cheapest method of connecting to the internet server and all the usage is charged on the basis of the telephone call and data transfer speed and performance. This method is much safer as compare to other technology because unique IP address provides to every user and every time they can login with a new IP address, so cannot hacking an account. It also provides convenience to user and it can be accessible from anywhere at any time without any interruption. Along with several benefits, some drawbacks of using dial-up connection are lagging behind in speed, unstable dial-u connection, demands a phone line, and many time phone route engaged etc. While many time people who wanted security will always miss it.

Broad band connection: In this WAN technique, connection speed much faster is up to 100 times than dial-up connection and it does not affect the phone line. Users can use same type of telephone line for both voice/fax and data transmission and they does not have to go through the process of dialing up and logging every time. It does not require to a dial an access number and charged based on the connection duration. Broad band provides high internet access with cheap phone services via VoIP technology. The major drawbacks of using broad band connection are high monthly charges against dial-up connection, higher security connection and lack of availability in rural area.

Frame Relay: High performance packet switched WAN protocol offers variety of services to user and organizations including reliable more secure connection and higher degree of reliability. It operates at the physical and data link layer of OSI model and earlier it was designed originally for use across ISDN interfaces but now is using in other network interface also.

ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line: It has unique features as compare to dial-up or ISDN such as faster downloads no needs for a second phone line, high-speed data transfers digitally and simultaneous transformation of data and voice in a quick manner. In this WAN technique, speed of data transfer depends on various factors including equipment used, cabling quality, and spectrum available and end system configuration can also influence its performance. Security is an issue in data transfer process because permanent connection can easily hack by hackers.

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network: It is a set of communication standards and used for instantaneous digital data transfer related to network like audio and video etc. Basic rate of data transfer is 64 Kbps and 128 Kbps available on demand. Generally it is use for network maintenance and video conferencing (with third party equipment). Some drawbacks of ISDN are more expensive, requires specialized digital devices, cannot make resources on network permanently and email delivery would be slightly more irregular etc.

Multi protocol Layer Switching: It is a traffic engineering mechanism was defined in the mid-90s to replace IP over ATM in the internet backbone. MPLS provides various advantages to organization regarding to improve quality of service and increase reliability of operations in an appropriate manner. It arranges between layer 2 and layer 3. Major benefits of the MPLS are improves packet forwarding, supports QoS and CoS, integrate IP and ATM in a network and builds interoperable networks in a proper way. An additional layer requires in establishing dedicated networks.
Interior and exterior routing protocols-

They are easy to configure and widely used. Strengths of protocols are supports IP and IPX require less CPU than OSPF and use the delay, reliability, bandwidth and load of a link as it’s metric to support a long list of optional features in the better manner.

Cable system: It has several advantages like stability (more consistent service), bundling (save a quite bit of money) and fairly inexpensive etc. Along with the several benefits some issues also associated with it including annoying monopolies, confusing price package and privacy.

Modem: Modem is most useful in connecting LAN with the Internet and its speed depends on cost. It converts Digital signals into Analog signal. However, its speed is slow as compare to hub and lack of traffic maintenance present in device.

3G, 4G and 5G:
• 3G is the successor of the 1G and 2G and expected speeds of it between 600Kbps to 1.4Mbps. It captures the largest coverage area and handles the majority of all data transfers for cellular service providers in an appropriate manner.

• 4G: It is currently in many major metropolitan areas and companies are trying continuously to expand its service in different area of counties. It provides several benefits to user such as multitasking, streaming video or playing games etc.

• 5G: The fifth generation of mobile communication technology and by using it user can simultaneously send and receive information from cell towers.

5 Best Ways of How to Repair Your Smartphone

One cannot just keep spending money on their smartphone repair, as the cost of the repair at times is equivalent to the purchase amount of another new phone. For example if you are looking for an Iphone repair than you can instead buy a new phone. Mobile phone fix costs a lot of money nowadays, though one can now learn how to repair their own smartphone.

There are many shops of phone repairs Sydney that you can get your phone fixed from. But in case you are looking for tips on how to repairs your own smartphone than follow the below mentioned tips.

Have you ever dropped your phone and your screen broke? Or your battery of the phone is not working properly. Then you can go for the do it yourself kit or try these tips.

There are many shops of phone repairs Sydney that you can get your phone fixed from. But in case you are looking for tips on how to repairs your own smartphone than follow the below mentioned tips.

Repair guide websites – Many websites like I fixit give you the entire proper guide as to how to repair your phone. They have guides of almost all the phones and their tutorials are in an explicit format. They even give away kits if a person wants to repairs their phone though they are costly but cheaper than buying a new phone or getting it repaired from the mobile repair shops.

Hire – now if you do not want to go to the company gallery for repair as you find it costly, you can even hire other professionals to repair your phone. There are many professionals who run their mobile fix repairs shops. But you have to be sure that these mobile repairers are authenticated and licensed to repair shops.

Company professionals – if you have an expensive phone like the Iphone 6 and you cannot trust the do it yourself kits and guides or the mobile repairs shops, then choose the experts. One can any day go to a company professional to repair their phones. The company professional charge a lot but you have complete guarantee of authenticated repair.

Trade your phone – there are many sites that you can trade your old phone like the Usell, Gazelle etc. one can trade their phone on these sites, and instead of spending extra amount on the repair you can just simply sell them. And with the resale amount you can easily buy a new phone.
Do it yourself kits – Are you about the tool sets that help you to repair your own phone? They are available on different e-commerce websites. With this kit you can even repair your Iphone screens and other parts. This kit costs about 160 dollars for Iphone, though they seem to be costly they are quite more cheap in comparison to the mobile repair shops and the Iphone company professionals.
One needs to know that they have to go through the tutorial guides thoroughly to repair the phone on their own. Read the steps of the do-it-yourself kit for at least 2 to 3 times for better understanding. Or else choosing an authenticated mobile repairs shop or company professionals are the best alternatives.

Pros And Cons of Data Wipe From Your Computer

Datawipe is a very crucial activity; one must know that this has to be done only if you are reselling the computer or throwing it for recycling. Data wipe for computer has to be done irrespesective of the quality of the data. At times people think that the data if your computer is not that important for you to actually replace it.

Before reselling or buying anything one must know that wiping these records is an important activity, buy used mobile phones only if you know that it doesn’t hold any previous data in it.

Data wipe for computer has to be done irrespesective of the quality of the data. At times people think that the data if your computer is not that important for you to actually replace it.

When do you have to wipe your computer?

When you are reselling the device.
When you want to throw your device for recycling.
To store new stuff instead of the old one( memory is full )
Pass on the device to someone else ( a close family member/ friend)
Fear of theft of important information is very crucial.
Following are the pros and cons of the data wipe.

Pros –

One must know that one can misuse, even if the data doesn’t include any important or confidential files data has to be wiped. One can misuse their data and manipulate the data if you do not wipe it, but you can be safe from this threat if you wipe the data.
Reuse the space, at times when your device’s memory is full you can just simply wipe the data of the hard drive or your computer and make proper utilization of the space. This will help you to save on the money of buying a new device to store the data.
Recycling/ reselling can be dangerous if the records are not wiped, do you know handling over your even basic records can be dangerous? A normal computer has some of your email passwords and personal identity information stored in the computer, so if you do not have the device completely formatted and wipes the data than it can be really dangerous for your computer.

Cons –

Loss of important data, when you wipe the computer do it at once, not everyone has the time to scan the complete storage and pick up the important ones and delete the unwanted ones. So with this one shot wipe you can lose important data as well.
Restored, the chances of someone retrieving your data are high, so only datawipe will not help you to get rid of the fear of misuse of the information. The person who will be getting your device after this wipe can easily follow some steps and procedures and retrieve the entire data. So only wiping the data is not a good idea.
Expert’s help, when we plan to datawipe our computer we forget that we are not experts and taking an expert help only is the key solution to the whole problem. They can help you wipe the entire records without the fear of misuse of the data or retrieving it. So one has to make sure that they go only to an expert to get it done.

Buy These Smartphones That Spell Awesome Utility and Pocket

Need mobile phone that is best in functions and is cost-smart too? 10000, 15000 and 20000 Rs are three price limits that are being considered for defining the mobile phone market more conspicuously. Phones of today’s generation are using cost-effective measures and delivering high class features like awesome camera, good performance and eye-friendly displays. So, here are some of the mobile phones that have captured a big market in short span of time, that too without breaking the buyer’s banks.

Best smartphone under $300
Lenovo Z2 Plus is the perfect answer to price sensitivity of the mobile phone market. QUALCOMM Snapdragon 820 processor, 4GB of RAM and expandable memory make this phone a thing of delight for stylish phone lovers. Coolpad Cool 1 is the latest offering under Rs20000 in India and is already creating ripples among the users because of its world-class features. It is a helluva lot of performer and has user-friendly features like SoC: Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 ,Display: 5.5-inch, RAM: 4GB Storage: 32 GB Camera: dual 13MP, 8MP and 1080p screen. Battery: 4000 mAh OS: Android 6.0. If a user searches the mobile phones under 20000 online, the websites offering comparative analyses may come to his best rescue.

Best smart phone under $200

The smart phones priced at rates below 15000 may not require the customer to shop too much and he may find this price range a bit suitable. The Xiaomi Mi Max has earned lot of respect in the under 15000 market. Its 6.44 inch display offers outstanding visual experience. This phone is a top-class performer and does not require recharging of battery for 48 hours. Its SoC is same as that of Redmi Note3 and delivers outstanding performance. Other noticeable features are: 1080p resolution screen, RAM: 3GB, Expandable Storage: 32GB, OS: Android 6.0 and Battery: 3850mAh.

Best smartphone under $150

Now, this segment is a buyer’s delight, especially for those parents whose kids go hell-bent on using a mobile phone even if they do not know even a thing about it. Xiaomi’s Redmi Note 4 is the king of best mobiles under 10000. It is powered with Snapdragon 625 and has outdone all the rivals in under 10000 category. The battery life is dependable, and its construction is all-metal that makes it a durable handset too. Access is granted through finger-print identification offering technologically advanced solution to the buyer searching for sophisticated features in a budget phone. Other commendable features are: 13MP and 5MP Camera, Display of 5.5-inch with 1080p resolution, 2 GB storage RAM with stretchable memory and Android 6 OS.

Another phone under 10000 that has posed tough competition to the competitors is Lenovo K6 Power. This phone is giving neck-to-neck competition to Redmi 3S in terms of price. Its strength lies in Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 SoC. The more cutting-edge camera quality, expandable memory slot for microSD and long-lasting battery helps realize the true power of Android v6.
So, go ahead and pick the phone that meets your communication needs of all kinds. Next time you need phone to impress your loved ones, you definitely won’t require thinking twice.

Advantages of Installing Smart Lighting Systems in Your Home

You must have thought at times to have some lighting system that can be turned on and off using remote operations. What if you could also adjust the level of illumination? It is possible with the help of modern smart lighting system. You can also schedule such systems to switch on the lights right before you reach your home every day. All this is possible with this modern lighting system. Find out the features and benefits of such innovative lighting systems.

Smart Lighting
Imagine entering a room and the lights coming to life automatically. Modern smart lighting system can do all this while helping save energy. The lights will switch on only in those rooms where someone is present. This can help save a lot of electricity. There is no need to search for the switches. The advantage with these lights is that you don’t have to switch on the lights in all your rooms.

Surveys show that lighting consumes the second highest amount of electricity in most homes. Depending on how large the building is, the electricity spent on lighting can be significantly reduced by switching over to automatic lighting systems. You could thus start saving thousands every year.

Light Sensor Switches
Modern light sensor switches are also gaining more popularity due to their convenience and other benefits. These switches help in saving on your electricity bills. In most homes, all the lights in all the rooms are turned on during dusk. This means you will be wasting a lot of electricity for lighting which is actually not required.

The advantage of using led light controller systems is that they will automatically turn off if it cannot sense someone’s presence in the room. It is often seen that people forget to turn off light when leaving a room. These sensor-based lights can do that automatically, thus saving you money. It is also convenient because you will no longer have to worry about the lighting.

Enhanced Safety
Another advantage of using this type of smart lighting system is that it increases safety. The lights are switched on automatically when you enter a room and turned off when you leave. Thus, you will not have to worry about your children having to touch the switches to turn on and off the lights. This helps in increasing safety in your home.

These lights also increase safety by preventing you from falling when searching for the switches in the dark. There will be no need to fumble in the dark to find the switches. You will also not have to worry about your toddler running around in your home. Wherever he or she goes, the lights will turn on automatically. Besides, kids are not tall enough to reach the switches.

Thus, there are many advantages of using modern light sensor switches in your home. You can also install them in your commercial buildings to increase energy efficiency and convenience. These lights also have a modern appeal to them and enhance the space’s elegance, whether it’s your home or office.

There are many advantages of using smart lighting system in your home. These systems add a lot of convenience, preventing the need to switch on and off lights manually. The light sensors can detect human presence to turn on and off the lights, thus increasing safety.

There is more to lighting system than what meets the eye. We can help you in getting smart and choose the right system and light sensor switches. You can depend on our expertise and get ideas to light up your world.

Benefits of Different Types of Fans

An essential part of our daily lives, fans are available in different varieties and make our lives easy in more than one way. Also, with increasing temperatures and summers taking a toll, it is crucial that fans be put to the right use. They provide not one, but many advantages and it’s time they should be harnessed.

Different categories of fans have unique and individual features and therefore, different benefits. With the summer season making its mark, this is the perfect time to discuss what the fans have to offer.

Let’s start with the most underrated star of all times, the residential exhaust fans. Following are the benefits they offer:

1) Help remove excess moisture: exhausts are built to pull out moisture from the rooms. In areas like bathrooms and kitchens, this is a feature that can be the most helpful.

2) Help remove smoke and odors: Cooking exotic food in the kitchen is sure a task loved by many, but inhaling all that smoke that comes along is definitely not what they look forward to. With exhausts, smoke and odors are thrown out the window keeping the air circulation in check.

Moving on, lets discuss what the best table top fans have to offer.

1) Cooling in specific areas: It is possible to cool specific areas where you do not have the option to use ceiling fans or any other alternative product. Being portable and light weight, they can be carried to different locations.

2) Easy to use: The only thing you would require in order to move it in and around the house is an extension cord. Even if you do not have an electrical setup, it is easy for you to enjoy the cooling of your table fan in areas like your balconies, kitchen etc.

3) Oscillation: Cooling a small room with people is an easy task with table fans. The oscillations cover a range of 180 degrees, distributing the air equally. Also, this is a feature that can be used on purpose.

A similar kind of fan range is the wall mount fans. Without further ado, let’s discuss what they have in store.

1) Space Saving: Places where the space is in premium, wall mount fans are an essential. Installing them on the walls, work benches etc, makes room for other appliances.

2) Easy installation: Bolt the mounting hardware and you are done, that is how simple it is to install.

3) Precision cooling: Oscillation of a wall mount fan provides cooling in specific areas. Also, they can be set in a particular direction.

Coming to the final category, ceiling fans offer the following benefits:

1) Low energy consumption: Ceiling fans are known to consume less electricity and therefore lower your bills by up to 40%.

2) Stylish: Some of the best ceiling fans come in a variety of shapes and sizes with different accessories. They can add to the aesthetics of your homes, offices etc. The designer fans can become the focal point of your rooms.

3) Dual purpose: Fans these days come with an added light eliminating the need of placing an extra bulb or light in the room.

Fans are one of the most useful appliances ever built. Different varieties of fans like best table top fans and best ceiling fans have specific features and are designed to cater to particular needs while offering multiple benefits.

Apple refurbished iPhone 6 is certainly going eco-friendly

The iPhone 6 may have a brand new grapheme touchscreen because of its customers meaning no heavy metals within the compound’s makeup. Apple will be getting rid of the indium tin oxide foundation, as an alternative the touchscreen will be made up of an atom-dense plastic. This can really be thinner compared to past iPhones as well. And this benefits the customers because it is likely to be a lot more attentive to drawing and tracing, changes in contact and go game-play with an increase of accuracy. As you can see here, even with the fact that it is very expensive, there are still tons of people try their means to get one. Refurbished iPhones are loved because of its cheaper price than its new counterpart, which make it much easier for people who have low budget to get their hands to this advanced smartphone.

The shop has over half of a million iPhone Apps, that’s lots of Apps to sort through when you’re buying few to increase your iPhone! But iPhone Apps might help you remain connected to the business community, be easy and useful resources and just make things you do every day for work that easier. Those if you undertake? This is a listing of 6 Should Have Business iPhone Apps. Regardless of your business or job title, we think you’ll concur that these are Must Have iPhone Apps you’ve surely got to download pronto!

Lithium is gone. Apple is likely to be presenting their state of the art natural revolutionary battery (ORB) recently developed and patented by Japan’s NEC. Like above its eco-friendly characteristics are simply a future advantage whilst the new ORB battery will showcase the iPhone 6’s new hugely quick re-charge length around 30 seconds! What’s even better is the fact that this little man of a battery will be supplying more of a strike because the new iPhone 6’s ORB battery will have a higher power density. Ergo the iPhone 6 (coming in July 2012!) may have a considerably longer battery life; which was before an element the iPhone was without. Now it’ll be among the major attractions for that iPhone 6.

Ever note. Ever note can be used to create notes. Sounds easy? It’s much more than ‘just’ notes. You are able to create text, picture and audio ‘records’ and keep all of them in Ever note. Therefore whether you’re an innovative, technical or business skilled, Ever note has great practical applications. It’s therefore useful to have the ability to simply take notes and keep them for whatever project( s) you’re focusing on. Particularly well suited for thinking on-the-go when these great a few ideas come to you and you do not have a laptop or such a thing to create with, since you’ve always got your iPhone!

In pursue of cellular device, today we’re perhaps not likely to let you know which bank to utilize; we included that one for example. With Chase Mobile you are able to access your bank account, charge card, opportunities and send and make funds, pay expenses. Many major banks today have applications with this. A large amount of them also provide the capability to ‘check’ your inspections directly into your account applying your iPhone, this type of handy device! Perfect for that busy professional who might not have time and energy to reach the financial institution but really wants to remain on top of the finances. Refurbished unlocked iPhone 6 is sold here is fully inspected, repaired and tested to resume to a condition that the product will look like new in both function and cosmetic, however the price is really affordable and we also provide wholesale deals at cheaper price. Here refurbished factory unlocked iPhone 6 is calculated from Cell Phone Age. So we sincerely hope to have business with you and you can visit the website Cell Phone Age com and learn more.

Here refurbished factory unlocked iPhone 6 is calculated from Cell Phone Age. So we sincerely hope to have business with you and you can visit the website Cell Phone Age com and learn more.

Top 5 Android VoIP Apps to Make Free Phone Calls

The telecommunications industry has come a long way since “Ma Bell” opened the first telephone exchange in the late 1800s. With the advent of fiber optics and wireless broadband technology, we no longer have the need for a dedicated telephone connection, as today’s data networks can carry much more than a simple voice conversation. In the modern era, VoIP (Voice over internet protocol) is the current and future standard in making phone calls. By using your broadband data or wireless internet connection, call quality has the potential to be much higher with VoIP. As this is a growing industry, there is still a bit of competition going on, so we have the benefit of different options. To help you sort all this out, we offer an overview of best calling apps for android that work on VoIP.


As one of the pioneers of fixed-line VoIP call in the 2000s, Vonage is unconditionally the best in this market today. They have kept themselves at the top of the stack with a calling app for android that offers free calls as well as some other interesting features. If both parties have the Vonage application installed, you will be able to make free calls to any part of the world. The app also works across the other operating systems like iOS.


Thanks to the popularity of its video call function, Skype has one of the largest user bases in this list. This helps mitigate the biggest drawback of the application i.e. free calls can only be made to other Skype users only. On the plus side, Skype to Skype voice calls can be made around the world, without incurring any charges. Video chat is certainly the bread and butter of Skype, but text messaging based on IP is another great feature. Combine that with low call rates for landlines and cell phones around the world, Skype is arguably one of the best calling apps for Android. This app also has cross-platform compatibility: Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS.


Google has had different communication platforms over the years, and they have recently combined several of them into an all-encompassing service called Hangouts. In essence, Hangouts is a hybrid of the old Google chat and the soon-to-be removed Google Voice. This means the basic Hangouts app (which comes preinstalled on most Android phones), you can send messages and call with anyone who has Hangouts installed on one of their devices. To use Hangouts as a VoIP service, however, you have to install an additional app called Hangouts Bookmark. If you’ve set up a Google Voice account in the past, you’ll get the added benefits of free SMS messaging as well as a dedicated phone number that can be sent to other lines and devices. Its various features make it the preferred calling app for android users along with the people having iOS, Linux etc.


If you are an avid smartphone user and always in search of best calling app for android, you’re definitely aware of MagicApp. While the additional features may not be as extensive as other applications, you can make international calls to any phone for free, and the configuration is very simple.


Last but no less important comes Viber, which is one of the most used calling app for android in the market. New video call and chat have been added along the way, but the core experience still revolves around voice calls. Viber requires that both parties have the application installed on their devices, in which case calls are free anywhere in the world. If you want to call a real phone number, however, you have to buy “Viber Out” credits, which offer competitive long distance rates.

And the winner is … After a bit of testing, it became apparent that the call quality was more or less the same in all five of the aforementioned services. The most important differentiating factor among these applications was the ability to call any number for free, and this is where Skype and Viber lose out. Of the remaining three, we would have to crown King Hangouts.

However, one more calling for android is making its wave in the market and that is JustYap. The app is quite easy to install and offer cheap international calling rates in few clicks. Apart from cheap rates, the app also offers various other features, but you need to download the app to check them out.

Mobile phone repairs require expert technicians only

Well many a times we fail to understand the importance of the professionals help, but sometimes repairing your phone with the do it yourself kits can be really harmful. Things like Samsung screen repair will require a professional technician to fit and replace the screen. Phone repairs Sydney is done all by professionals and since they are available in bulk the prices rates are quite cheap.

There are many reasons that one must get their phone repaired by the technicians only.

High chances of them getting spoilt over again, mobile phones can get spoilt easily if they are not repaired properly, though with the user kits and guiding sets people assume it to be the best they do not turn out the expected way, though they are way cheaper in cost but not really beneficial for bigger repairs.

Things like Samsung screen repair will require a professional technician to fit and replace the screen. Phone repairs Sydney is done all by professionals and since they are available in bulk the prices rates are quite cheap.

Reducing cost of repair, well now on one hand many people do not know that due to the high competitive environment the phone repairs cost has constantly reduced to a level, people can now easily afford technicians other than the brand technicians to repair their phone.
Convenient services, many technicians have even offered e-commerce services, so you basically use their website and order for a repair of phone, know the cost and the technician will do all the work for you at the comfort zone of your house.

Time consuming activity, if you repair your own phone then you will probably end up spending so much time in just one repair, this is a time consuming activity and one must know that there are chances that they might even repair it wrong so you might be spending thrice the time and even stay without a phone for that long, instead you could get them repaired by an expert and simply save your time and even use the phone.

The guides and the do it yourself kits are quite complicated and misleading as well, as we are not technicians and not even remotely related to the field understanding the complicated terms used in the guides and kits becomes very difficult, so why waste your so much energy in unnecessary and complicated things?

The mobile phone repairs do not cost a bomb if your phone is insured, you can have an insurance of your phone at the time of the purchase, and with those insurances you can tremendously reduce the cost of the repair.

People using Iphone can go for Apple plus care; there are many insurance policies for all the mobile brands. If not this, you can always go to cheap technicians who do it half the rate and get your phone repaired. Always remember if you are having bigger problems in your phone and the cost of repair is equivalent to purchasing a new phone then always buy a new one instead repairing it on your own. Technicians and experts are available for this repair for a reason and one must not prohibit them completely.

The author of this article has completed her graduation in electronic engineering; she had herself worked at the galleries of phone repairs Sydney. She is an expert for Samsung screen repair as well; in the article she has pointed all her experiences

Difference between a cracked phone and a broken LCD screen

We all love our gadgets so much especially our smartphones, well the main thing in a smartphone is its screens. Till the time your screen is new your phone looks brand new. Though mobile phone repairs are now become cheap people go for replacement instead of repair. Isn’t this wasting your money?

One must replace their phone only when the cost of repair is equivalent or moderately closer to the repair value for instance iPad glass repair costs a lot so going for replacement is a better option.

But sometimes we fail to understand that if our phone was cracked or the screen was really broken, now many a time the glass or the screen guard protecting our phones are the only ones that are damaged in an accident but we assume the screen to be broken which is absolutely wrong, so how do we spot the difference between the two?

A smartphone is always covered with two different layers

Glass screen
LCD screen (liquid crystal display)
Now If only the glass screen is broken then the repair cost will be minimal but If the LCD screen is broken then it is the matter of concern.

One must replace their phone only when the cost of repair is equivalent or moderately closer to the repair value for instance iPad glass repair costs a lot so going for replacement is a better option.

And if the lcd screen is broken probably it is the time where you will have to change your phone instead of repairing as they trouble the whole quality of your phones touch.

Now what does one have to look for to know that if their glass is cracked or LCD screen is broken?

The pattern of the screen and the glass cracks will tell you if you have thoroughly harmed your phone screen or just the glass is broken.

You will start noticing black spots and the colors of your screen will be faded if the LCD screens is broken.

The screen of your phone will not display at all and it will be completely black blank if the LCD screen of your phone has been damaged.
Though you can easily get your phone repaired if your glass is broken, repair is highly demotivated if your LCD screen is broken.

One must know that detecting the difference between these two will help you save your cost as this will guide you as to if you have to repair your phone or go for a direct replacement.

Even if you feel that your LCD display is cracked but your phone is under warranty period then you should go for repair.

Repairing will be lesser in cost if the phone is under warranty, not only this but even when you have covered your phone under insurance then too go for repair instead of replacements.

If you are facing any problem while knowing that if you broke your smartphones glass or LCD display, then you can ask the local technicians they will guide you better.

Always have a proper cost analysis before you choose to repair or replace your smartphone.

How to erase the secondary memory of my phone

Many people do not even know what is secondary memory? Well secondary memory is nothing but the additional memory that one adds to their smartphone. Having additional memory is good as you can store extra things on your phone. Data wipe for computers is also important if you are handling over the device to someone else.

And if you are going to buy used mobile phones then also choose to take a device that doesn’t have any memory stored in it.

These are the basic things one must have before they want to clear your phone.

Remove Sim card- the very first step is to remove your phone’s sim card as all the contact details are all stored in it. If you do not remove your sim card before, then you will never come to know the contact details stored in your phone and then clearing the data will be difficult, and the person whom you are going to sell this card will have no urgent need of this so giving away your contact details and sim card makes no sense so clearing this secondary memory is also important.
Remove your micro sim card – if you have a micro sim card remove that as well before giving it to your new seller, though these micro sim cards are hard to remove but make sure you remove them and clear all the contacts details before giving to the new buyer of your phone.
Erase and format your SD card – Now SD card holds everything, your pictures, music and even videos so erasing these personal details and things is very important before giving It to someone else, now normally people do not give their phones with SD cards but if you are then make sure you erase it before giving. How to erase an SD card? Go to the setting application of your smartphone and then connect the phone to the laptop or PC.

And then format the whole SD card directly but before that you can save the data and files in your Device or PC.

But if you do not format is properly the card device will recover the deleted data again and so the best option is to not give your SD card to anyone.

Even while giving away your hard drive one must completely erase their data, do not give the hard drive if you do not erase the data in it properly.

And if you are going to buy used mobile phones then also choose to take a device that doesn’t have any memory stored in it.

One must know that these hard drives need to be either erased by a professional or completely destroyed if they have any confidential details as the data from these drives can be completely regained if they are not erased properly.

Other than this one must even make sure that their internal storage is also deleted properly before they give their device or sell it to someone else. As any file or data can be misused or recovered from the recycle bin if not deleted properly.

The author of this article has completed graduation in the electronics engineering and perusing masters in the same field. She has complete knowledge about data wipe for computer . And if you buy used Mobile phones as well it shouldn't be having the previous owner's data.

How to Completely Remove Norton Security Products

Numbers of people out there is Windows XP user, and some of them are Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10 user. But windows XP and windows 7 have the different process to follow. Once you understand it properly, you will be able to uninstall the antivirus security.

For Windows XP:

If you are a Windows XP user then first close all the programs on your device. After that, click on the start button and click on the control panel option. After opening the control panel option, go to add or remove the program option. As you want to remove the antivirus program from your device, first try to find the Norton antivirus and finally click on the uninstall option. Finally, you have to confirm that you want to uninstall the Norton program just by clicking on the remove option.

For Windows Vista

Apart from Windows XP, there is a specific solution available for windows vista. If you want to uninstall the Norton program from your device, try to close all the programs on your device, either it is a laptop or computer. Then click on the start button and go to control panel on your device. You will be able to see a specific category called uninstall a program. Then you have to go to the task panel and by going there click on the view installed updates option. After that, you have to double click on the installed option.

For Windows 7 and More

If you are a Windows 7 user, then you have to follow some other instructions than windows XP and windows vista user. So, click on the start button and go to the control panel option on your device. Under the option of programs click on the uninstall button. After that, you have to move in the task panel and going there just click Turn Windows features off or on as per your default settings. You will get to see a complete list of Windows features and then clear the checkbox right next to the Norton antivirus product. Click yes and finally you will receive a warning text in the pop-up window.

The Process to Uninstall Norton Antivirus Instantly
As a matter of fact, if you are a valid Norton user and want to uninstall it then calling on the Norton customer support phone number will help you a lot. They are ready to help their clients 24*7. They assist their client to understand about the Norton products in every possible way. If you uninstall the Norton Antivirus physically or remove it directly, then it would be quite difficult for you only to clean all the void registry entrances of it. The corrupted archive entries would be quite harmful to your computer, and it can easily slow down your laptop or computer performance. But if you are the novice and have not gained any kind of information to uninstall the Norton product easily, you have to know the complete details of it. To eliminate this Norton product completely, the user can easily try some uninstall device so that the uninstalling process will be faster. In fact, this is the finest solution for the entire PC or laptop users. There are numbers of uninstalling devices available in the recent marketplace, which is quite powerful and useful.

Those devices can help you easily to achieve your target. Several uninstallers can support you not to just eliminate the Norton antivirus software but also various unwanted bugs on your device. If you have a Norton account on your mobile or laptop, you can also uninstall the Norton product from there as well. But if you do not have a Norton account, then call on the Norton technical support phone number. They are available 24*7 to help you with all your technical problems. Besides, they will tell you the process to reinstall Norton account.

I am Jennifer William. I am working as a Technical Consultant.This article related to the tech Support.If anybody facing problem during norton un-installation so get instant online help from certified agents to resolve such computer virus related issues. Norton Online Customer Support

Aspects to Consider Before Hiring an Odoo Development Compan

In the past few years Odoo has become quite popular with both SMEs and enterprises alike. Odoo, with its all-in-one suite of business apps has something for everyone. And since the addition of ecommerce and CMS modules, Odoo has become even more compelling due to its native integration capabilities. So whether you want an ERP system, an accounting system, a CRM or an ecommerce store, Odoo can help you build all of these and get them integrated with each other for greater data streamlining and operational efficiency.

But being an up-and-coming software suite, there aren’t as many expert odoo developers as there are for more popular software platforms like WordPress or Magento. So here are a few things to consider before you avail of Odoo development solutions from any company.

Experience with Odoo Development

It is wiser to choose a company that has worked on Odoo technology before. An experienced company will make sure that your project turns out to be successful. The developers who have worked on Odoo will make lesser mistakes and conduct proper testing before implementing changes. Moreover, you need not spend time in making them understand your requirements and can concentrate in developing your business.

Contribution to the Odoo Community

As Odoo is an open-source platform, anyone can contribute to the Odoo platform. If you want to hire a particular company for Odoo Development, you should find out about their open source Odoo contribution. You can ask questions like “Have you solved any problem of Odoo platform by releasing a Odoo app? “Have you found bugs in the existing platform?” etc to the Odoo developers of the company. If the answers to the above questions are “Yes” you can go ahead and strike a deal.

The team size

It is very important to know how many dedicated developers will be working on your Odoo store. You definitely do not want divided attention on your project and would want to ensure that there are no compromises involved. Medium scale teams can communicate amongst each other well and contribute to the success of your website. So make sure you find out about the strength of the team and keep in touch with them while your project is being developed.

Keenness to work on your project

Before finalizing the deal, talk to the Odoo development team and figure out how keen and excited they are to work on your project. Ask questions about their plan and know about the strategies they will implement while working on your website. Also know about the time they will take to implement a particular feature. Listening to their views and opinions on the same will give you an idea about their dedication towards your project.

Client references

A reputed IT firm would’ve worked on multiple projects based on different platforms. Hence, make sure you ask for the client history and references. It will give you an idea about their previous projects and whether they were successfully implemented or not. If the company has international clients and has worked with different sectors, you can consider hiring it for your project.

Once you have checked the above mentioned aspects, make price comparisons and decide on a company that offers superior quality Odoo development at cost-effective rates.

Automatic Milk Collection System

The Dairy Industry in India is contributing to a huge percentage of the country’s economy. India is in one of the leading positions in the world with about 288 million bovine population of the total world bovine population of 1420 million. The population rate has increased from 62.90 million of breedable cows and 42.46 million of breedable buffaloes in the 1992 livestock census. This increased rate also shows a tremendous increase in the milk production from 17 million tons in 1951 to 155.5 million tons in 2015-16. Tamil Nadu, Bihar, and Haryana have contributed about 85% of the total milk production of the country. The present per capita availability of milk is 337 gms.
Besides knowing the statistics and contribution of dairy industry to the India’s economy, improving the milk quality becomes another major concern of the industry. In India, the price of milk is determined by fat percentage and Solid Non-Fat (SNF) in milk. This fat level is determined using Butyrometer method, which is, of course, one of the oldest technologies adopted by the milk cooperative societies and milk collection centers in India. However, with the advancement in technology, many societies have begun using advanced milk testers to test fat percentage in milk.

Automatic Milk Collection System

While talking about the Automatic Milk Collection System, with such large amount of milk being produced today as compared to the past decades, the use and importance of this system are inevitable. The automatic milking process or system is like an agricultural robot or robotic milking.

The main objective of using the Automatic Milk Collection System is:

To increase accuracy and efficiency of fat testing in milk
To reduce manual efforts by switching to automotive system and accelerate the process

This automated system in milk collection has brought significant development and profits to the milk societies and collection centers. To say, this automatic system in milk collection has revolutionized the dairy industry. It helps in every aspect of improving the efficiency, data analysis, record keeping, and much more with just the software performing all the required tasks with no or less human efforts.

Key Benefits of the Automatic Milk Collection System
With the introduction of this commercial system in 1992 in the dairy industry, it has now become viral and has been installed at many centers and cooperative societies across the country. This milking machine has brought more interest and expectations among the dairy farmers.

Here are some of the key benefits of AMS (Automatic Milking System):

Reduced labor
Improved / better social life for the dairy farm families
Increased milk yield because of frequent milking
Farm management has become simple and efficient
Manage regular milking times automatically
Visual control on the cows
Create opportunity for grazing
Helps to maintain somatic cell counts and bacterial counts below penalty levels

This system has also created the facilities to clean and separate abnormal milk.

Whilst talking about the quality of milk collected, AMCS assures expected quality and food safety. Although the Automatic Milking System requires higher investment when compared to the conventional systems, the increased milk yields with reduced labor requirements do make it profitable to the milk collection centers and dairy farmers. This system has, in fact, helped to reduce the cost per kg milk without compromising on the production level and quality.

Key Factors of Automatic Milking System
The AMCS is now globally recommended and used widespread across the country by a number of farms, milk collection centers, and cooperative societies. On successful installation of the AMCS, here are some of the issues that have been resolved:
Ability to work with computers
Realistic expectations
Instant measurement of fat in milk
Fast and economical
Spot payments for the farmers
Operational integration
Reduction in wastage
Transparency in activities
Flexibility in controlling the system and cows
Worthy support by the skilled consultants in the implementation of the system
Food management of cattle
Maintain cattle health as desired
Single and Multi-Stall AMCS

The AMC system features Single Stall Systems and Multi-Stall Systems.
To brief-

Single stall system: This system is integrated with the robotic and milking functions. With this system, it is possible to milk up to 65 cows several times a day.

Multi-stall systems: This system is integrated with transportable robot device and milking and detachment devices at each stall. With this system, it is possible to milk from 80 to 150 cows three times a day.

Mobile Automatic Milking System

While the AMC systems are mostly positioned in a fixed place, the mobile milking robots were recently developed and introduced in Denmark and Netherlands. This mobile system efficiently solves the problem of distance existing between the immobile automatic milk systems and grazing cow. This system has also created an opportunity to increase farm yield with regular visits and frequent milking. This system is equipped with all essential equipment such as vacuum pump, bulk tank, cleaning systems, AM system and other essential machinery. This system was

successfully tested in 2008 with 35 cows, and now it has gained a huge reputation in major countries across the world.

Ritesh Sutaria holds over 15 years of experience in Product Engineering and leading an organization. He is a technical expert with sound knowledge on all Microsoft Technologies with a proven track record in technological developments for diverse customers' applications

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